Suggested Viewing
Moana Jr:
Middle School Students performed original choreography as part of Art/Dance/Theater collaborative event. Costumes and props designed and created by students under my direction.
Suggested viewing:
You’re Welcome : 24:38-26:55
Tamatoa Tap Number : 33:14- 37:17
Staging and Dance : 40:00- 42:08
Onstage Cypher:
To close out their school-wide dance performance, middle school students took turns improvising in front of their peers.
Whole school assembly showcasing student knowledge of a variety of different revolutionary dance forms.
Charleston Challenge:
Pandemic era middle school-wide effort as part of students’ jazz unit.
Collaborative choreography:
High school students collaborated to create this work designed to express communal female power.
Duets with Melissa:
Professional choreography with interabled cast.
More student work samples available upon request.